Audio Wraparounds

Dean of Creative Marketing offers radio stations and their advertisers :30 and :60 second Audio Vignette Wraparounds which are designed to showcase an advertiser’s message and provide a long-term marketing solution.

In the last 40 Years Holiday Wraparounds have been heard on over 1000 radio stations across North America. These timeless vignettes are not only easy to sell, they are a great addition to holiday programming. Each of our holiday series feature 40 different wraparounds in a variety of topics and production styles.

Whether you are a “Christmas Station” or any format that would like to maximize the holiday opportunities, you’ll probably want to make Holiday Wraparounds an annual offering.

Click on a Category below to view topic list for each.

Holiday Traditions

Customs of Christmas

Stories of Christmas

Under the Constitution is a series of (50) :60 second vignettes that describe, in layman’s terms, what is in the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. These are ideal Commercial Wraparounds for attorneys who would like to discreetly advertise their practice or a business that would like to be associated with the Constitution and what it represents.

United We Stand is a series of (40) :60 second historical moments that tell the story of our American history and the people who made it. Flag Day, 4th of July and Memorial Day are all ideal occasions to entertain listeners with these patriotic minutes and provide advertisers with an engaging message for surrounding their commercial.



Click on a Category below to view topic list.

Under The Constitution

United We Stand

The Mystery Files of Simon Q is a very unique concept which creates a one-minute radio mystery in the style of 1940’s radio programming. Each of the (130) Creative Wraparound mysteries sets up a crime scene with a clue that needs to be solved. Following the commercial insert the answer is given. The voice of Simon Q is Nick Clooney, father of George and brother of Rosemary.

Simon-Q provides an ideal format for holding a listeners through an advertiser’s message and is a great fit for a 35+ format such as News Talk or Nostalgia.

TiPS are are a very effective Creative Wraparound vehicle for presenting long-term marketing solutions to prospective advertisers. Each :30 second TiPS is designed to wraparound an advertiser’s :30 second message and fit into a :60 second avail. TiPS make spec spot selling easy and are a great way to vertically prospect a category. With 36 different TiPs in each series you can sustain a campaign for months or years.

Click on a Category below to view topic list for each.





Why Do We Say?



Christmas Holidays

In the last 40 Years Holiday Wraparounds have been heard on over 1000 radio stations across North America. These timeless vignettes are not only easy to sell, they are a great addition to holiday programming. Each of our holiday series feature 40 different wraparounds in a variety of topics and production styles.

Whether you are a “Christmas Station” or any format that would like to maximize the holiday opportunities, you’ll probably want to make Holiday Wraparounds an annual offering.

Click on a Category below to view topic list for each.

Holiday Traditions

Customs of Christmas

Stories of Christmas


The Mystery Files of Simon Q is a very unique concept which creates a one-minute radio mystery in the style of 1940’s radio programming. Each of the (130) Creative Wraparound mysteries sets up a crime scene with a clue that needs to be solved. Following the commercial insert the answer is given. The voice of Simon Q is Nick Clooney, father of George and brother of Rosemary.

Simon-Q provides an ideal format for holding a listeners through an advertiser’s message and is a great fit for a 35+ format such as News Talk or Nostalgia.

Simon Q

Under the Constitution is a series of (50) :60 second vignettes that describe, in layman’s terms, what is in the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. These are ideal Commercial Wraparounds for attorneys who would like to discreetly advertise their practice or a business that would like to be associated with the Constitution and what it represents.

United We Stand is a series of (40) :60 second historical moments that tell the story of our American history and the people who made it. Flag Day, 4th of July and Memorial Day are all ideal occasions to entertain listeners with these patriotic minutes and provide advertisers with an engaging message for surrounding their commercial.



Click on a Category below to view topic list.

Under The Constitution

United We Stand


TiPS are are a very effective Creative Wraparound vehicle for presenting long-term marketing solutions to prospective advertisers. Each :30 second TiPS is designed to wraparound an advertiser’s :30 second message and fit into a :60 second avail. TiPS make spec spot selling easy and are a great way to vertically prospect a category. With 36 different TiPs in each series you can sustain a campaign for months or years.

Click on a Category below to view topic list for each.





Why Do We Say?
